Lady of Shallott
Persistence of Memory Salvador Dali
Description: In this work of art I see a lot of symbolism and surrealism. I would describe it as serene and calm but also alarming in a way that it a normal setting but something is off putting. Dali used shading and smooth textures.
Judgement: I think that this is valuable work because not only is it amazingly done it is able to capture a feeling just by using visuals and it is able to make you feel emotion and think and that is a talented thing to be able to do in a surreal painting. If I owned this piece I would leave it up and stare at is, and try to analyze every detail and thought that was put into creating it.
Interpretation: I think this piece is about time and how time is slowly melting away and ceases to exist in certain settings, this title is very clever and fitting. If I were to climb inside of this painting I imagine I would feel anxious and paranoid. I agree with the colors chosen for this piece and how they make the painting feel.
Analysis: This artist used a lot of shading in this piece, there is a lot of depth and darkness which gives a very unique perspective. The principles of design that this artist used were proportion, emphasis and unity. I say this because the shading directs the focus of the painting onto the clocks which emphasize what the piece is about and the proportions do this as well